Chapter Awards

2024 Chapter Awards

Applications Closed. 

2025 Applications will open next summer, stay tuned!


At SACNAS we are proud to recognize our chapters for their dedication to science, education, and professional development, through SACNAS Chapter Awards. Awardees will be recognized at the 2024 SACNAS NDiSTEM Conference in Phoenix, AZ.

Awardees will be selected on these 6 categories:

  • Celebrating Culture
  • Community Building
  • Innovative Science
  • Leadership in Science
  • Long-Term Sustainability

View full PDF Here

Application Requirements

Cover Letter

Provide a cover letter that clearly summarizes the positive impact your chapter had on your members and community. The letter should be focused on two main areas, chapter activities and chapter development:

For chapter activities, we recommend focusing on professional development for your members, activities that created and/or enhanced a supportive community for your members, and community outreach.

For chapter development, we recommend focusing on member recruitment and retention, fundraising, and chapter sustainability. If your chapter didn’t have activities in all the areas mentioned, you are still eligible to apply. Limit cover letter to two pages.

Support Letter(s)

Provide at least one support letter from one of your advisors (or a community member if you are a Professional Chapter) that clearly summarizes why they believe your chapter deserves to be recognized for a chapter award. You are only required to have one support letter from your advisor, however, you may also provide up to two additional letters from other professionals (on or off campus). Limit each support letter to one page.

Each supporter should address the following,

  1. How you know the chapter?
  2. What has been the impact of the chapter?
  3. Why do you think the chapter should win an award?
  4. How has the work aligned to the SACNAS mission?

Visual Support Material

This section should directly support your chapter’s activities report for the applied award catagories. This can be submitted as a video (less than 2 minutes) or as a printable presentation (created from word document or slides).

Examples in presentation may include, but are not limited to:

  • Activity photos
  • Chapter member quotes
  • Activity agendas and advertisements
  • Activity evaluation reports

2025 Chapter Awards Applications will open in summer 2025

Updates to Chapter Awards as of 2024

This year we have updated our chapter awards process and we will be recognizing 7 chapter awardees. We will be focusing on the impact chapters had with their members and community, regardless of membership size and resources available to chapters.
We will select awardees based on these 6 categories:
  • Celebrating Culture
  • Community Building
  • Innovative Science
  • Leadership in Science
  • Long-Term Sustainability
View our full PDF here!
We encourage all chapters to apply for an award this year.

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