SACNAS proudly welcomed 262 new/renewed members in the month of October!
(Note: The following list is new members who consented to have their names shared.)
Life Members
Noe Galvan
Professional Members
Celil Ekici
Laura Monsalve Lorente
Maryam Zarei-Chelshtori
Quentin Tyler
Michele Roth
Lia Corrales
Student Members
Nathan Escobedo
Pedro Sanchez
Dawn Gordon
Anthony Isaacs Venegas
Arianna Hall
Christian Benitez
Evan Brooks
Tara Marina Ortiz-Ithier
Marcella Torres
Daniela Jones
Want to connect with these members?
Current members: Log-in to the SACNAS Member Online Community.
New or expired members:
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” background=”#789d4a” size=”10″]Purchase/Renew Membership[/su_button]