Dr. Corey K. Welch to receive honor at 2022 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference
SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science) is pleased to announce the winner of the 2022 SACNAS Presidential Award, Dr. Corey K. Welch. SACNAS Presidential Service Awards recognize members based on their years of continued contributions to SACNAS and are selected by the Board President. This year’s awardee was selected by SACNAS President, Dr. Pamela Padilla.
Dr. Corey Welch directs the Iowa State University STEM Scholars Program. His Biology degrees are from Lewis & Clark College, University of Kansas, & University of Washington. He also taught biology at Haskell Indian Nations University. After a NIH-IRACDA postdoc, he became a Coordinator for the UC Berkeley Biology Scholars Program (BSP). In 2016, he established the STEM Scholars Program modeled after BSP. The mission of the STEM Scholars is to diversify who succeeds in STEM. With 210 members, including 63 alumni, Corey brings his experience as a first generation, low income, Northern Cheyenne Tribal member to help historically excluded students and co-advises the ISU SACNAS Chapter. He gives talks around the country on diversifying STEM fields and from 2016-2021 he served on the SACNAS Board of Directors. He is a co-facilitator of the SACNAS Leadership Institutes. Lastly, he started an annual Northern Cheyenne scholarship to honor his late mother.
“Dr. Corey Welch has been a volunteer at many levels for the organization and through his efforts thousands of SACNISTAS have benefited from the work that he does as a volunteer, organizer and leader. Corey has inspired me with his dedication and diligence to the organization and his capacity to integrate humor with his leadership,” says Dr. Padilla, “He is one of the most exceptional individuals I have ever met. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Welch as our Presidential Awardee for 2022!”
"I am humbled and honored to be recognized for this award,” says Dr. Welch, “It was at a SACNAS Conference was the 1st time I met Natives with PhDs in the sciences, I met my future PhD advisor, and witnessed the integration of great science and my cultural values. The SACNISTA community is a scientific family that I hope to continue to help grow to meet the needs of historically excluded populations in science as they take future positions of leadership in our society.”
Awardee will be presented award and give acceptance speech at the:
2022 NDiSTEM in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Award Ceremony & Keynote Address
Saturday, October 29th 9:00am - 10:30am LOCAL TIME
For nearly 50 years, SACNAS has served as an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicano/Hispanics & Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership within STEM. Today, the organization serves a growing community of over 20,000 supporters including 9,000+ members, and close to 130 student and professional chapters throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. SACNAS influences the STEM diversity movement through STEM outreach & advocacy, promotion of STEM leaders, and The SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference. Learn more about SACNAS at sacnas.org, Facebook, or Twitter.