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SACNAS + The Story Collider - SACNAS

Written by sacnas | Aug 9, 2018 7:00:00 AM

SACNAS is honored to partner with The Story Collider, a nonprofit that is dedicated to sharing true, personal stories about science. Story Collider works with storytellers from both inside and outside science to develop these stories and share them through their weekly podcast and live shows around the world. Since 2010, The Story Collider has produced 200+ shows and published 350+ episodes which now averages 130,000 monthly listens and has been download over nine million times!

The Story Collider will host a live science storytelling show in conjunction with 2018 SACNAS – The National Diversity in STEM Conference on Saturday, October 13 in San Antonio, Texas.

For this show, Story Collider seeks true and personal stories about science to be told live on stage. Specifically:

  • Stories with a beginning, middle and end, not lectures or speeches, but true firsthand experiences. The goal is to build an emotional connection between science and the public.
  • The story must have an arc, meaning the storyteller should be different at the end of the story from the beginning of the story. This change allows the listener to feel the story is going somewhere.
  • Typically a story should be eight to ten minutes long and can be about anything from how you first fell in love with science to a time when science intersected with your personal life, or even something completely different.

For examples of great stories, listen to their podcasts at

If you’re interested in sharing your story at the show, please email by September 1 and include a short (1-2 paragraphs) summary of your story and “SACNAS” in the subject line. If Story Collider thinks your story might be a good fit for the show, they’ll get in touch!

Do you need help writing your story? Check out The Story Collider’s tips!

Submit your story!